
Free Event Consultation

Cheadle School, Cheshire

Cheadle School in Cheshire is a great place to throw a school disco, or even hire out the hall for your own party! We have been there heaps of times, and always performed well, and got a great shout from

Brassington School… Part Deux!

Welp, it literally feels like Dave Dee Discos was only here about twelve days ago… hang on, we was! Except there’s something different, a whole bunch of new faces to DJ too! These kids must be hiding in the walls

Ashbourne, Gateway To Dovedale

Ashbourne, located in the beautiful Derbyshire, has many a great venue to be played in, and we have had the privelege to play at most of those venues. Having visited such a great place many times, we often get asked

Brassington Primary School DE4 4HB

Brassington Primary School is a village school out in the fair country side of Derbyshire, and it may be set out there for a good reason. The kids now how to have a good time, along with raising the volume

Ingestre Park Golf Club ST18 0RE

Ingestre Park Golf Club is a great course to visit, as always i usually get to golf courses early so i can throw in a cheeky round of golf before i do my thing, you gotta keep fit for this

Caverswall & Cookshill, Staffordshire, ST11

The beautiful country side of Caverswall and Cookshill is a stunning place to visit, and the locals are some of the friendliest folks around. Having visited there quite a few times, Dave Dee Discos have always loved DJ’ing out in

Joule’s Pub, Biddulph Moor

Joule’s pub, also known as the Rose and Crown, is a great place to hold your functions at, and set out in the beautiful surroundings of Biddulph Moor, you couldn’t wish for better scenery to be in. The owners there

Heath Community Centre NG18 3QE

KID DISCO TIME… plenty of kids versions of “dad” dancing, and knee slides a plenty on a highly polished floor! Heath Community Centre and Dave Dee Discos have joined forces numerous times to throw awesome kids birthday parties (other functions

Welshamtpton Parish Hall SY12 0PY

  Welshampton Parish Hall is a great place to host a recpeption, or social occasion of any sort, they can be found at Station Road A495, Ellesmere, Shropshire SY12 0PY or contacted on 01948 710687. Dave Dee’s Discos are the

Darwin Hall, Lichfield, Staffordshire

Dave Dee Discos had the honour of being asked to play the Darwin Hall for the 2010 halloween party for the Chadsmead Primary School, and boy, what a party. Over a few hours of fun, a combination of games mixed